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Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!
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Spicewood Elementary PTA Membership Meeting August 25, 2022 |
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Board members
Megan Zellner, President | Tammy Dendy, President Elect | Audrey DeLucia, Treasurer | Satish Santhakumar, Treasurer Elect | Grace Miller, Secretary | Liz Simmons, VP Membership | Rong Qiao, VP Programs | Alicia Rodriguez, VP Communications | Cindy Angirasa, VP Fundraising | Stephanie Facey, VP Educational Competitions & Clubs | Krista Hager, VP Service and Outreach | Kitty Ham, VP of Diversity & Inclusion | Olivia Kendall, Parliamentarian | Melanie Solis, SWE Principal
Call to Order at 6:34, 25 attendees
Motion to open by Megan Zellner
Confirm quorum (10 members), voting is 50% of attendees
Reminder that need to be paid and registered member to vote
Committee needed to approve meeting minutes – Grace Miller
Liz, Natalie Fellows, and Lacey Ramos to approve minutes – approved as committee
Treasurer Report – Audrey
0 balance
$98,930 in account balance brought in $2800 from spirit wear, and $2k on membership spent $6.3k.
Ending balance is $92.5k-
Motion to increase auction income to $40k and to add another expenses line item for auction to $20k to fund raising budget. Motion passed with 17 votes.
Motion to appoint Tammy and Satish as the financial reconciliation committee – motion passed with 20 votes.
Motion to increase gaga budget line item to $150, motion passed with 23 votes
Membership update: 259 members to date. Goal is to have ~600 members
Outdoor lunch committee update: reached out to the committee to get insight in interest to participate. Pending update from new principal and committee
Parliamentarian: Need to nominate bylaws committee – Tammy Dendy, Alicia Rodriguez, Nicole Sunstren – passed w 18 votes
Parent patrol: volunteers needed! Starting Monday we will have city paid crossing guard 3 days a week but need help on Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons.
Nominating committee bylaws read – agenda item to vote for nominating committee for upcoming year. Lacey Ramos, Larissa Bradford, Joy Kling, Liz Simmons – alternate.
Requesting volunteers for kindergarten round up volunteer. Put out request on the local comms groups. Motion to add $100 to parent patrol budget, motion passed with 25 votes
Back to school night: Idea to get parents back into schools – lots of interest and desire – for parents to see the school and get to know teachers and administration a little better. Would like to pair up with Spicewood but open house has not been set yet. Would like to pair up to do back to school night on the same day.
Motion to put into action the 2022-2023 plans of work, motion passed with 22
Close at 7:29pm
Welcome to Spicewood PTA!
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Thank you for your patience!
Welcome to the Spicewood Elementary PTA! Our PTA is a group of parents, caregivers, teachers, school staff, and community members who have joined together with the shared goals of advocacy, family engagement, programming for kids, and support for our school.
The Spicewood PTA was formed:
- To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, and throughout the community;
- To raise the standards of home life;
- To advocate for laws that further the education, physical and mental health, welfare, and safety of children and youth;
- To promote the collaboration and engagement of families and educators in the education of children and youth;
- To engage the public in united efforts to secure the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social well-being of all children and youth; and
- To advocate for fiscal responsibility regarding public tax dollars in public education funding
We value collaboration, commitment, diversity, respect, and accountability. However, we cannot do this alone. The Spicewood Community needs involvement from all families in order to best support our children. Whether you choose to volunteer in a classroom, assist with an event, become a Panther Partner, or simply join as a member, you are doing your part to make Spicewood Elementary the BEST environment for growth.
For reasons of privacy and security, we require that you create an account and/or be a current PTA member to view parts of our website. Please register below, if you haven't already. Thank you!
Signing up with Membership Toolkit is not the same as joining the PTA.
Membership Toolkit is the service that empowers us to make purchases, complete paperwork, and coordinate our volunteer efforts —all online. The goal is to save time, and work together more smoothly!
Once registered, you can:
Join our PTA (and pay dues) online
Pay class party fees
Complete your directory information
Access the online directory and app (for PTA members only)