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Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!

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Spicewood Elementary PTA

Membership Meeting

Wed August 30, 2023



Board members

Tammy Dendy, President | Satish Santhakumar, Treasurer | Crista Batt, Secretary | Emily Campbell, VP Membership| Sarah Yeager, VP Programs | Jenny Larsen, VP Communications | OPEN, VP Fundraising | Nidhi Parashar, VP Educational Competitions & Clubs | Caroline Williams, VP Service and Outreach | Megan Zellner, Parliamentarian | Melanie Solis, SWE Principal

  1. Call to Order at 6:03, 19 attendees

    1. Motion to open by Tammy Dendy
    2. Confirm quorum (10 members), voting is 50% of attendees
    3. Reminder that members need to be paid and registered to vote
    4. May 2023 meeting minutes approved and is available to view on PTA website
  1. Committee needed to approve meeting minutes – Crista Batt

    1. Nidhi Parashar, Emily Campbell, and Caroline Williams to approve minutes – approved as committee for August meeting

  1. Treasurer Report – Satish
    $14,253 in expenses and $129,900 balance - $2,909 brought in from membership dues, close to goal of $3000.

    1. Motion by Rachel Brown to add $403 to budget for professional development conference for the music teacher- motion approved with 13 votes.
    2. Motion by Jenny Larsen to add $400 to budget for spirit wear marketing expenses – motion approved with 14 votes.
    3. Motion by Nidhi Parashar to increase reflections budget from $100 to $300 – motion approved with 16 votes.
    4. Motion by Jenny Larsen to remove bingo from the budget – motion approved with 16 votes.
  2. Membership update – 457 members to date. About 200 short of 1:1 parent/student goal.

  3. Clubs and Competitions update – Nidhi

    1. Math Superstars K-5 – 65 enrolled and Math Olympiads 3-5th – 44 enrolled.
    2. Spelling Bee competition registration closes next week.
    3. All chair positions filled for each club
  4. Service and Outreach update- Caroline

    1. Clothes closet begins next month – blue bin will be available in school for donations.
    2. Beautification – plans to discuss damaged artwork in front school, and days to volunteer for garden clean-up.


  5. Fundraising –

    1. Marathon kids starts in October runs through December – in need of more volunteers.
    2. Looking for VP of fundraising, email Tammy if interested in position.
    3. First spirit night is on October 20th, skate night at Playland Skate Center.
    4. Check writing campaign will starting soon and will be yearlong effort. Dorothy and Richie Mendoza will be contact for company matching.
    5. Need a few parent volunteers for school mascot, Paws and volunteers in library.
    6. Shed in need of organization and shelves. Reach out to Tammy if interested in helping.


  6. Principal Update – Melanie Solis

    1. Fully staffed and 670 students currently enrolled.
    2. Parent Orientation September 14th.
    3. In need of inquiry lab and garden club volunteers.
    4. September 27th Bike Train Day.


  7. Communications Update- Jenny

    1. Sundays will be cutoff for requests of information to be posted to social media for the following week. Send information to social media manager- Megan Zellner.
    2. Website in process of being updated.



  8. Close at 6:45pm



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Welcome to Spicewood PTA!


Spicewood PTA Website is undergoing maintenance in advance of the 2023-2024 school year.
Some functions and information may be temporarily disabled.
Thank you for your patience!

Welcome to the Spicewood Elementary PTA! Our PTA is a group of parents, caregivers, teachers, school staff, and community members who have joined together with the shared goals of advocacy, family engagement, programming for kids, and support for our school.

The Spicewood PTA was formed:

  • To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, and throughout the community;
  • To raise the standards of home life;
  • To advocate for laws that further the education, physical and mental health, welfare, and safety of children and youth;
  • To promote the collaboration and engagement of families and educators in the education of children and youth;
  • To engage the public in united efforts to secure the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social well-being of all children and youth; and
  • To advocate for fiscal responsibility regarding public tax dollars in public education funding

We value collaboration, commitment, diversity, respect, and accountability.  However, we cannot do this alone.  The Spicewood Community needs involvement from all families in order to best support our children.  Whether you choose to volunteer in a classroom, assist with an event, become a Panther Partner, or simply join as a member, you are doing your part to make Spicewood Elementary the BEST environment for growth.

For reasons of privacy and security, we require that you create an account and/or be a current PTA member to view parts of our website.  Please register below, if you haven't already.  Thank you!

Signing up with Membership Toolkit is not the same as joining the PTA.

Membership Toolkit is the service that empowers us to make purchases, complete paperwork, and coordinate our volunteer efforts —all online. The goal is to save time, and work together more smoothly!

Once registered, you can:
Join our PTA (and pay dues) online
Pay class party fees
Complete your directory information
Access the online directory and app (for PTA members only)